Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Podcasters and Bloggers Please Help with Blog Quake Day

Blog Quake Help

Podcasters please join the bloggers in Blog Quake Day. Add something to your podcast that lets people know how they can help.

Taking inspiration from the massive donations bloggers were able to collect for Katrina relief efforts, DesiPundit is calling for a BLOG QUAKE DAY on Wednesday, Oct 26, 2005.

Bloggers are requested to make a small post about the earthquake, and direct your readers to a suitable avenue for donating to the relief efforts.

You can direct your listeners to

Blog Quake Day

South Asia Earthquake Support

Quake Help

South Asia Quake Help

South Asian Quake Relief

Sunday, October 09, 2005

South Asia Earthquake Support

Just set up a blog to help provide information about the quake in Pakistan.

Saturday, October 08, 2005


BlinkList - an interesting new way to organize your web

Less as a competitive advantage

An interesting take on how less can be better. Sounds like a book on the way

We Won

My son's soccer team won today 1-0.